Sunday 4 March 2012

Concept to think on (1).

"I never think of the future - it comes soon enough." - Albert Einstein

This isn't really a blog post, just something that was on my mind and since I didn't post last night (due to my Mac's trackpad being stuck, i'm using an external mouse now) I though i'd write this.

Like I mentioned, it's not really a blog post; a diary entry if anything.

Im a thinker, I dont know if this is an advantage toward my intellectual capabilities or a burden I have to carry, everywhere I go. I over think everything, and doubt myself - constantly. 

I dont just over think the cliche things though, being an aspiring physicist I over think everything to do with equations. Even when I shouldn't, I know E=mc^2 but I still question part of it, why c^2? Why not just c? They've been proven yet I will still question.

But that isn't what this is about, I want to talk about the future - should we expect the best, or worst?

Expecting the worst is probably the best thing the do, in my opinion. Then if you do get a good opportunity you will take it, and cherish it. But why should we expect the worst? We should expect the best in ourselves, aim for the clouds. As my school motto says "Soar to the heights".

Its like me, I always try to only look at the best possible outcomes with my life. I have it basically planned, but who says it'll go according to plan? 

Who says I wont die tomorrow?

Who is to say 2012 wont happen?

We take life for granted, most of us don't deserve life.

The future is a scary thing, waiting to happen. But like I said in my "Time" post - the future never really comes, the definition of future is "the time or a period of time following the moment of speaking or writing; time regarded as still to come." So if you talk about the very near future, it is present at that time. But then present doesn't exist, as we do not see in the present, we see in the past. But past doesn't exist either, it has happened but is not happening [generally] now. So really, we just live. No past, present or future.

I know what I want to do with my life. 

Others don't.

It is this that shakes the foundations of what I want to do. If I want to go to University, someone who is unsure of their own future could put mine on a detour and crumble my dreams of becoming a physicist.

I'm 15, i'm nearly at a stage in my life where I will have to work. I want to go to college, university, and then back to university for a Ph.D - this will take about 10 year.

3652 days [approx]. 

Thats 3652 that have to go to plan, who says they will - who says yours will? No one's life is certain to happen the way they'd like. To be honest, its more likely to go the other way. The Earth is a big place, it is home to 7 billion people, many will want to do the same things as you.

What makes you different to them?

Thanks for reading, Ben.

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