Sunday, 15 January 2012


"I don't believe that there are aliens. I believe there are really different people." - Orson Scott Card

What's your view?

Do you believe?

I do.

The probability of another planet, like our Earth (Habitable) existing somewhere in the Universe, is actually quite high. Then the question springs to mind:

"Why are no aliens or their artifacts physically here?"

I already have my own thoughts, and answers to this question- but I still researched it, to see if I was missing something. Turns out that this is something called the 'Fermi Paradox'. 

"The apparent size and age of the Universe suggest that many technologically advanced extraterrestrial civilizations ought to exist.

However, this hypothesis seems inconsistent with the lack of observational evidence to support it."
- Wikipedia

That is the basic summary of the Fermi Paradox, my first though answer was that "Oh well, they could've just not found us yet." But then I though a bit harder, and brought my belief of 'Ancient Aliens/Astronauts' into things (If you don't know what this is, Google it and watch the series entitled 'Ancient Aliens - fascinating stuff). I then thought - "But what if they have been here?" 

Look at the pyramids, inside the Great Pyramid of Giza, there is not enough oxygen to light a match - so how did they see inside? They say they built the Pyramids in 20 years, to do this they would have to place a block every 0.9 seconds, is that really possible? And to place the top block of Giza, you would of needed approximately 20 mega cranes of today, so how could a few thousand men of done that back then?

If you look at the inside of Giza, the main Pyramid has 90° angles in the corner of every wall. Could this precision be possible back then? Look at Machu Picchu, the engravings on some of the stone would've took diamond tipped tools, some we couldn't even engineer today. Surprised?

In some of the Hindu scriptures, the Sanskrit epics to be precise - they mention things called 'Vimanas', guessed what they are?


Flying "chariots". Dome shaped. A flying dome shaped object, remind you of anything? A UFO maybe? All these things i'm talking about belong to the Ancient Astronaut theory I mentioned earlier, it states that we have been visited in the past by what we would call 'Aliens'. But not just visited, helped.

Helped by Aliens, what? This is outrageous you are thinking. It is not, it is backed up by a ton of evidence, the series Ancient Aliens is onto its 4th series, and they are running strong. 4 series worth of evidence. Thats a lot don't you think?

To conclude, there will be skeptics out there who read this, you will think that all i'm saying is a lie, however think what you like- open up your mind, it'll do you good. In a Universe as vast as ours, how can there not be other life? There are billions of galaxies in our Universe, with billions of stars. Most of them with planets orbiting them. The odds are astounding. Think about it.

Thanks for reading, Ben.

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