Friday, 13 January 2012


"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." - Benjamin Franklin

What is knowledge? "Information and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject." Not to sound arrogant but I am called smart by everyone. When to be honest they barely known what 'smartness' is.

I am called smart, when to be honest - i'm no different from them. All intelligence is to me is memory, so by being called smart, I feel like i'm just being told I have a good memory. Getting an A* in an exam isn't through general knowledge, it is about extensive reading and memorising something. Once you have it locked in your head, you can put pen to paper and earn your grades.

"I have a bad memory though."

If you revise enough, I can guarantee that you will remember everything you need to. Procrastinating when you have a bad memory is punishment to yourself, twice over. You're putting off what you need which to be honest isn't what you should be doing if you want to have an amazing job.

Am I right though? Is knowledge just memory? Or different? Look at Albert Einstein, he created theories such as his "General Theory of Relativity", "E=mc^2" or "Time Dilation" - was this done by memory? To be honest it couldn't have been, as he was the one who came out with the theory. This is 
where there second part of the definition comes into play.

"..the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject."

Knowledge in my opinion is reading something extensively until you know every aspect of it.  Then you can widen your views of said "something".

To conclude; knowledge is more than you initially think about things. It is very complex when you think deeper. Which is what you should do. Once you've read this, I want you to think about knowledge, how it works and what it is. It will give your brain a work out.

Thanks for reading, Ben. 

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