Saturday, 14 January 2012

Past, Present and Future.

"I must govern the clock, not be governed by it." - Golda Meir

What is the past?
What is the present?
And what is the future?
I take it you think you know the answer to all of these? Yes? 

You're wrong. I know it.

In my opinion there is no such thing as 'present'. Present implies "things that are happening at the current moment." But once you think about it logically, is anything happening right now? No. For you to see something, light has to reflect off it into our eyes. Light needs to travel, even if light travel approximately at 300,000,000m/s, it still has to travel. It takes light 1 nanosecond to travel 1 foot, or 3.3 nanoseconds to travel 1 metre. So even when you look into the mirror you're looking at yourself from 1 nanosecond ago.

Confusing right?

When you look at the Moon you're looking 1.255 (approx) seconds into the past. At the Sun; 8.3minutes. And when you look at the night sky? Thousands of years into the past.

This leads me to think is there a present? I honestly do not think there is.
Is there a future? No. It hasn't happened yet, and there is no definite way it will happen. When you talk about the future though, its already passed. So does this mean the future could be the present?
Is there a past? Yes. It already has happened, but it has just went by. So technically has it happened, is the past real? Most likely not. Since you see in the past, does this make the past the present too?

When you think about this stuff, it will cripple your mind. The concept that Past, Present and Future are all one and the same? Think about it, when you think of the future, it is that time. When you see, you see the past. And the present, is never actually present.

They're all the same, in my opinion of course.

Click your fingers, go on just do it. When you look at your fingers, the sounds looks like an instant to the movement. In all reality it isn't. The light will hit your eyes before the sound your ears. But it takes the brain longer to process this image, so by the time they've all been processed, your brain patches them together basically, so it all seems instantaneous. 

Crazy right?

To conclude, I think time is not what we think. It is one of the most bendable and false things we know. Like I said in my older post, time is not what we think it is. Try and think about the past, present and future being all the same. By the time you've gotten your mind around it, your brain will have had a good workout. 

Good luck.

Thanks for reading, Ben.

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