Saturday, 11 February 2012

Ten Things the Future will hold! (4)

"Authentication is something you have, something you know, and something you are when you add biometrics."
Charles Kolodgy

4. Biometrics.

Everyone has heard of the high tech gadgets that can scan a persons fingerprint to identify them and give them access to an office, a futuristic laboratory or even just a library account. This is biometrics or identifying a person based on biological characteristics such as fingerprints, retinas or irises or even by identifying their voice. Today I'm going to be discussing some different types of biometrics and their impact on the future.

1. Fingerprint Recognition:

Biometrics isn't such a far off idea as it is already used in so many places around the world, take the fingerprint scan - as I've already mentioned this can be used for the simple task of bringing up a persons library account.

Each persons fingerprint
is unique to themselves
which is a useful way
of identification through

This method of Biometrics is not as much used for identification but more for authenticity; when someone is already identified but can gain access to something like an account without the use of a password.

 I find it fascinating just how much this technology is advancing though - I've even heard of fingerprint scans which scan for heat as well as just the fingerprint itself. This makes sure no craft villain can go around slicing off fingers to get into top secret bases.

2. Iris Scanning

Iris scanning can be used to scan a persons eyes as another method of identification through biometrics. This technology takes a high resolution picture of the eye and looks for variables such as the edge of the iris and edge/centre of the pupil to identify the person to make sure they can gain access to whatever the scan is used for.

This technology is far more precise than fingerprint scans and since fingerprints can change through various things and the iris is less likely to this is a really effective way of authentication and biometrics for security purposes.

3. Voice Recognition

Voice recognition is also a common type of biometrics it can be used over the phone or by a scanner like the ones used for iris/fingerprint. It is good as every person has differently shaped vocal cavities along with environmental characteristics such as accent so our voice is unique to ourselves.

A spectrograph.

Voice recognition can work by measuring the frequencies and acoustic properties of our voice and cross referencing these values (displayed on a spectrograph) with values on a database which can give the person access to what the voice activation was used for. This technology has its downfall like the rest because of identity theft. People could easily gain audio of the person speaking the password and use it to gain access to the information.

The implications of Biometrics are amazing as each quality are often unique to us, I think if we used them in combination with each other then we could properly secure the information withheld as it would be difficult for a person to gain all parts of the biometric scan: voice, eye, fingerprint etc. and gain access to the information rather than a simple password.
Imagine scanning you eye to access your bank account?
Imagine just saying a word over the phone as authentication?
Imagine a biometric passport?

When we look at all the types of biometrics the possibilities are endless! Even handwriting can be measured through pressure, speed and angle - all personal traits that we can use to authenticate ourselves. I think this is a real futuristic piece of tech which could really be a part of our near future.

Thanks for reading again, Chris.

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